If you write music, I'm guessing you use some sort of app to quickly record tunes or riffs when you're jamming out. Most people I know use the standard Voice Memo app that was already on your phone when you took it out of the box. Sound familiar?
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Jun 24, 2019 9:45:33 AM
5 tips for making music with voice memos
Jun 7, 2019 12:46:34 PM
Songwriting: 5 Guidelines to Help you get started
Are you interested in songwriting, but have no clue where to start? On the way to work today, I had my iTunes library on shuffle and "Cleaning Windows," by Van Morrison came on the radio, one of my new favorites. It's a great tune but it got me thinking, how the heck did Van write a hit song about a guy who washes windows all day?
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